Sunday, 27 November 2011

Crown Prince & Crown Princess have a new home!

The Crown Prince Imperial and the Crown Princess Imperial moved into their new townhouse in the LEGO(c) Capital City, Alexandria this weekend.  In a short public interview, the future Tsar and Tsarina, emphasised their support of the well-being and democratic rights of all minifigs worldwide. 

Saturday, 12 November 2011

We Will Remember...

New outfits for the Imperial Guard were graciously supplied by the Empire of Legoland and its minifig dress department in reciprocation for the handmade Imperial Robes sent to the Emperor David... A donation was made for their supply from the Caprican Empire's State Exhibition Fund.
   'His Imperial Majesty's Government of the Caprican Empire and the Kingdom of the Low Islands will always seek to peacefully support emergent Lego states,' Cameron Davidoff, First Minister, 2011.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Caprican Empire Supports Failing Economies Abroad

The Imperial Train has been sold to ardent supporters of the Caprican Throne!  Albeit in the remote Caprican Empire Province of Canadia!  The train will be sent in the forthcoming days. 
On a more somber note, the well-being of minifigs in the financially bankrupted state of Legoland has been addressed with a K70,000 interim payment to the dictatorial state ruled by the Emperor David and a host of other 'hangers on'.  It is hoped that the payment will supercede a more gentile approach to international politics from the failing state.
Only time will tell.   EDITOR